
Fonderie Schlumberger is located within the Guebwiller valley, at the heart of the Vosges Natural Park and at the foot of its peak called the Grand Ballon.

The preservation of this exceptional environment and that of its residents is one of our major concerns.

To reduce gas emissions, two new boilers were installed in October 2012, energy saving being the first step on our road to sustainable development. 

Between 2011 and 2014, more than €400,000 worth of investments were dedicated to filtering the air and treating atmospheric discharges. The final filters, minimising discharges into the air to less than 2 mg were installed in 2013 thus improving the quality of the air both inside and outside.

Through our environmental providers and the involvement of our staff in waste sorting, our wastes are collected and salvaged in a number of recycling centres.


Our intention is to continually improve our efficiency while at the same time limiting our impact on the environment.